
Showing posts from May, 2006

A day

A very meaningful day...tired but benefited a lot. My heartfelt thanks to those who look up to me and support me, especially the unexpected encouragement from Henry. I believe if i continue to repeat the easy steps, i will succeed. Meow, thanks for always sharing the job opportunities with me, but i think i've finally found something i want in life. At least i learn bit by bit from now. I'm sure you will support me in my decision, right? Yes, you will. :)


今天和久违的Mr. LPing 晚饭后,到了大众书局逛。忽然想起还没回助养小孩的信,所以顺便看看有什么小礼物可买的。寻找当中自己竟然看上了一个幼稚的铅笔盒。哈哈!真是太久没给自己买这些东西了。不管,决定把它买下。当然也为她买了一小盒彩色笔。回到家,竟然被13岁的阿妹笑我38。 :P


呆在家一整天了,想找个人陪,听我胡言乱语。可是似乎全世界的人都没空理我。最终找到了两位同事,我们结伴出去闲聊了一会。 今天收到了上星期的验血报告,胆固醇稍高了一些,惨!是时候再进行身体调整了。该睡觉了,纳闷的渡过一天。。。

0505 Mom's Birthday

Today is big mama's birthday! Bro and me prepared cheesecakes with peach toppings which i bought last week. 1 medium 2 small. plan to bring to office for colleagues. hehe, wonder if anyone'd like/dare to try?! ;) 4 o'clock, there was exciting Thomas Cup semi-final match on MAS vs DEN. Did not follow the badminton news for quite some time now, ever since i thought M'sia team was all sinking. But i just got to know that we actually have World Ranking No. 2 Lee Chong Wei as our first single, and i started to chase the news a lot. It brings back my good memories on those days when i was soooo crazy about badminton matches and "stars". I was always so proud to present my pictures with the players and signatures i've got to people, and I am still, i suppose? if anybody would like to see? heheh... Anyways, eventhough we lost to the dens but the players did fight til the end and good matches i watched. Despite our 2nd single, Wong Choon Han's injuries, we sti...

for fun...



My new Spanish vocabs that i learn this week from Ed and Gust. te quiero mucho = I love you very much el juego esta bueno = the game is nice bamos a comer = let's go to eat