
独自到一个语言不通的国家,这次真的要考倒我啦! 对于一个没有方向感的我,我该往哪个方向走?搭几号巴士?在哪个车站下车?我现在只能说,Oh...My...Gaattt...!! 第一次出门感到惊慌失措...hehe...谢谢各位老大给予的资料!在那里我得自己"chap sang"了... :)


Anonymous said…
Hey, buy a handphone with GPS funtion, upload the country map in it! Done!! U r pretty safe!! Salem for life!!
Unagi said…
haha thanks for the suggestion...the thing is...i don't read map!! or i read map poorly...told ya, i have no sense of direction, wahhahahah :P guess i will bring a dictionary and learn to speak :P
MelPen said…
Aiya.. Japan is ok.. all signs are pretty much with english.. you will be fine :)
Anonymous said…
Ah Mooi, no need to read map when you are holding a GPS, the GPS will tell you turn left or right!! You need to "tell" the GPS where u wanna go, the rest is just listen and follow instructions!!
trust me, you will fall for it especially people like you DONT read map.... hahaha.... Salem for life
小慧 said…
Aiya you will be safe one la in Japan. Got Kanji (mandarin writings) one, you know how to read and figure out what it says. Too bad I brought my japanese phrasebook with me, else can borrow you.
Unagi said…
hehe ya you've been there hor! i was recalling the sentence you taught me saying the aunty very pretty when buying things. the "pu ying suai cin cin" but only come to remember that's Thai! and guess what? Alex just told me there are 2 words to avoid when talking to Japanese, they're "cincin" and "mangkuk" lol...they mean, errmmm private parts :P
Unagi said…
i don't have a GPS device lahh. will use my instinct to walk there...hahahah...
Unagi said…
yay, alex just passed me many of the guides yesterday. thanks thanks...hows LV, Chicago? u meeting ai li?
MelPen said…
英語話ますか?(Eigo hanashimasuka?) (Do u speak english?) haha.. this might help you a bit in Japan.. but most of them will say ”NO" haha..
Unagi said…
haha thanks! can survive la...!

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