Been tied up in so many functions lately. Attended my first church wedding n also my first time being in "heng tai" group last weekend, and i really had a wonderful times with the gang. i know i'm abit of the odd one from "gsm" (although they no longer recognise me in that category anymore either) and the rest are all from "scsd". but then again, i enjoyed our times and glad i was invited :) here are some random pics taken by me before i could take more than 10 and the battery was flat...
ah soon kor the photographer
hengtai's preparing...
....and that's the pain of being on-call!!! no one else to swap as the WHOLE team was there d, and since i couldn't help much, so i took pics =P i think it's the 1st time the WHOLE team was looking at one issue. LOL. let me intro, [left] lenglui no1 (sitting):
May; lenglui no2:
Pei Kuan damn tall wei 175cm i think; lengcai no1:
Andrew aka ah soon kor; lengcai no3:
Lam Khoo You who is getting married this july; lengcai no4:
Rohan the korean; lengcai no5:
Arline the philipino; lenglui no3:
Jennifer the hot babe; lenglui no4 (sitting middle):
Suchitra the lucky oncall gal; lenglui no5 (sitting right):
Yennee [right] and where is
Harpal? Yeah it's an international troop!
as the newly wed couple marched into the church....nice ey.....
and the protagonist of the day - Daniel & wife. *paiseh dun have their face, it's the job of the appointed photographer, i just took the odd scenes, LOL*
After the church matrimony, we went for Passions of the Kerala. Yummieeee~!!