Hawker's Food Adventure

okra, muggy, slimy, sitcom, maple syrup, hue

After Prangin Mall and visiting your "friends" in Botanical Garden, it's of course yummie yummie time again. I know somebody is going to say my blog is full of food! Anyway, apparently you are not adventurous enough on food. Looking at so much food on the table (hokkien mee, fried oyster, lor bak, chicken feet, bird eggs, drumstick), only drumstick looks/tastes normal to you. Rest of them are more like a "yiak" to you.

A stroll after dinner is not a bad idea, and here we go, along the gurney walkway. Somehow, a pancake after the stroll was definitely one of the causes of that big tummy in you :P I'm sorry but you'll just have to build another house and work out to get rid of 45 pounds again.

I just found out my pocket burnt a hole today shopping with Suchi in Prangin. sob~sob~


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