Genius Mindset

Cre8tivity Studies:
kindergarten: 95% --> primary: 75% --> senior school: 50% --> college/uni: 25% --> adult: 10%
In terms of brain use, NORMAL is usually NOT NATURAL.
It's well said, everything we buy, there is an operational manual, i.e. washing machine, iPod, etc. Buzan's the human's brain operational manual. There is still full space of potential to be unleashed, as our current use of brain is just less than 1%. We use it for memory, learning, creativity.
He gave us a memory test on digits. My mind went haywire when it reached near to 15 digits. But the world champion recorded up to 198 digits. My gosh, i seriously need more brain cell exercise practice!
Brain/Mind is more important to be managed than knowledge. We're living in the age of Intelligence. This is the age of the management of the manager of Intelligence. In someways everything connects everything else. So the ONE thing that we should be interested in is? EVERYTHING. No doubt, before the talk, i raised my hand for most of the topics that i wasn't interested in when he asked, i.e. the planets in the universe, the 2000BC history, the ancient chinese history, growing mushroom in the dark. But now i'm interested in EVERYTHING! i can now tell you the 9 planets in our solar system in sequence from nearest to the sun and backward. hahaha! i learnt something, and the knowledge will stay with me forever. To internalise it, i just need to share more and more...
All genius daydream everyday. Genius has big dreams. Genius works to make the dreams come true.