
back to square one, life's been so boring nowadays. arrrhhhhgggg it feels exactly like i'm waiting to be sentenced. i can't go anywhere anytime i like, as i hate to say the most, i need to reserve my leave =( no longer having the few days off work every week, that allows me to just GO! to just go and do things that is motivating to me. i hate to have this reason now attached to me to say that, "i have no leave" and not, "i can go anytime, you let me know your schedule ok?"

why do i need to spend my time looking at such dummy things everyday (watever it is, technical stuff or not, or the computer screen on things i don't understand yet forced to understand at times) which i feel makes no value to my life?! can't i just walk out from here..what is stopping me...........

i've almost forgotten about dreams, that we used to work it out together. I stop talking about dreams, i stop doing things that could lead me there, i stop mingling with those people, i don't see the path, it has become dark and vague. i no longer have ppl to keep reminding and encouraging me daily. i'm so scared to think bout the future....i suddenly feel so......for once after so long, i'm lost. i can still be very happy daily, laughters everywhere, but what do i really want to do.......do i just face the reality and follow the flow? or do i choose my life? enlightenment is dreadfully needed.................please...........................


Kancil said…
so 惨meh? i guess is just 过渡期。after that you will be fined. Just tolerate and go through the hard time.
Chiat Hau said…
Yeah, I totally agree with what Kancil said... after sometimes you will be fine. But again, don't forget your dream, might need to try to find a way to balance both of you wanna do... and again I believe you will be OK. ;)
Kancil said…
Also as what I told you this morning, Don't care too much on people comments. Only listen to your boss because he is the one that judge your focal. Ask that person to mind his/her own f'ing biz!
Chiat Hau said…
Yeah Kancil is right... you are not working for those people... remember not to make your life feel miserable bcoz of others... becoz it is not worth it at all...

worse come to worse, just think that he/she is just a colleague. (Not your husband/BF/family members right?) It will not bring any significant to your life as well.

So be CHEERFUL! and quoting Kancil wording "Ask that person to mind his/her own f'ing biz!" :"P
Anonymous said…
Your friends don't get your point yet.
To reboot, read "Think and Grow Rich" again as a start.
Don't lose it, once gone, very difficult to retrieve. Remember.

pING said…
give urself hv a good rest, then write down what you wan in paper. GOALs.....Dream will be pop up later.....don't just think....act. :)
once u hv clear mindset, then everything will come...remember wat we say abt "The Secret"
Luck will not come by ppl wish but will be those ppl think for it....
Unagi said…
thank you for being able to understand me and your guidance, as always :)
Anonymous said…
Welcome. :)


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