
Showing posts from August, 2007

Terlalu senang dalam pejabat? hahaha

These are what we do when too free @ work... Oppssss.....i really hope no boss is viewing this site....but if so happened any boss viewing it, "Boss, we ensure the console is blank only we do this eh..." Ho, May Ling [3:39 PM]: mahu pergi koperasi tak? Loo, Pei Gim [3:39 PM]: buat ape... Loo, Pei Gim [3:39 PM]: saya tak ade bagus laci Wong, Jael S [3:40 PM]: me take boleh due 4 got meting now kena prepare.... Ho, May Ling [3:40 PM]: kamu ada SRA saja Ho, May Ling [3:40 PM]: tak ada bagus laci Loo, Pei Gim [3:40 PM]: kamu mau belanja kamu punya bagus laci ke? Loo, Pei Gim [3:40 PM]: haha Ho, May Ling [3:40 PM]: saya ada 4 bagus laci, tetapi meh lee OOO, tak boleh claim Loo, Pei Gim [3:40 PM]: wah lau... Ho, May Ling [3:40 PM]: RM80 hohoho Loo, Pei Gim [3:40 PM]: 4 bagus laci sudah RM80 tau Ho, May Ling [3:41 PM]: boleh makan sampai u kenyang Loo, Pei Gim [3:41 PM]: boleh bagi tips macam mana dapat begitu byk bagus laci? Ho, May Ling [3:41 PM]: kamu boleh bagi tips macam mana d...


仿佛你就在 我身边 等待了一年 又一年 对你的思念 三百六十五天 我只等 这一天 勇敢地 把从前 情人节快乐 变成 祝你生日快乐 I LOVE YOU 说不出口的倾诉 I MISS YOU 让挂念 代替了 相处 瞬间是永远 感情变祝福 可惜 甜言也带苦 I LOVE YOU 是最完美的结束 I MISS YOU 一辈子 靠今天 接触 瞬间是永远 感情变祝福 可惜 都于事无补 今夜 有人陪你庆祝 不枉 我一年的孤独 请你 原谅我 不多写一个字 像 普通人糢糊 多一字 多份痛 今夜 我不想哭 Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday To You...


今天与Jane,马克司及伟民有个非常好的聊天与分享,感情增进了不少,对彼此的认识也多了。经由马克司及伟民的大力推荐,还说今晚回家必须看。终于看了这部在我生日时上映却还没看的电影《生日快乐》。晚上,独自儿在房里看了,犹如马克司所说的,他当时在戏院哭了。我呢,泪也流了,脑筋也一直在动,不完全因为戏里的情节,只因自己的一些状况和挑战,有时候很伤很无助。。。继续逃避也不再是办法了,再开心,所要面对的结局也是一样,所以终于鼓起勇气道别离。。。希望被接受。 就送这首《勇气》给彼此吧。每次在SCS听到这首歌都非常的有感触。在那里一起渡过的每一分每一秒,都非常珍惜。。。说声“我爱你”须要勇气,说声“对不起”也须要勇气。 放下也须要勇气。 终于做了这个决定 别人怎么说我不理 只要你也一样的肯定 我愿意天涯海角都随你去 我知道一切不容易 我的心一直温习说服自己 最怕你忽然说要放弃 爱真的需要勇气 来面对流言蜚语 只要你一个眼神肯定 我的爱就有意义 我们都需要勇气 去相信会在一起 人潮拥挤我能感觉你 放在我手心里你的真心 如果我的坚强任性 会不小心伤害了你 你能不能温柔提醒 我虽然心太急更害怕错过你


Feel so much better in the evening :) Surprisingly, i managed to control myself not to be down for so long and so "chi-charm" anymore, cry cry cry like nobody biz... Yuppie! my EQ is improving! or maybe after somebody called to apologise and "thum" me back. Not that i like to receive apology from ppl, but i was reallyyyy mad! I've never been this mad before ever in life, heart was pounding fast, hands and feet turned cold, head was about to explode, chest was about to burst, body shivering...even needed to go to pantry to get a cup of hot water to hold on it to warm myself up, stable myself down...the kind of feelings, didn't feel good at if i was going insane...can't do anything but to accept whatever ppl do to us....staying calm, same time need to act steady helping peers solving issues.....skipped dinner for the 2 hours chat... errr.....but well, i'm alright now. At least a warm call from far and in between meetings melted me down, when ...

The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness?? Pursue what happiness while the happiness is determined by others? It's totally in controlled in other's hand? A wonderful day can be simply spoilt in a second by one person? by a phone call? Is it what happening now? If the definition of our value system is too tight or is in controlled by others, then it's hard to be happy. I didn't know one can be so fragile before until someone appeared...................... :( i'm so fragile...................... :( had a good 2 hours communication this much of misunderstandings..... Love has the power over life....time has the power over love....the power to heal or to kill.....


回到原来的我,原来现实的生活。过去是梦幻还是现实?只知道每天每时每刻都开心。说真的,还蛮喜欢目前工作时间,真像三天捕鱼两天晒网,嘻嘻!做三天休息四天,如往常般,拿一天假给SCS,就连续五天渡蜜月啰!!! 为爱早出晚归,甚至不归?哈哈!助教嘛。。。付出爱的精神。现在,重拾心情继续加油吧! 在此,要感谢一位良友,他永远不会把他的价值观套在别人身上。开心时我们会想起他,约他出来一起分享;失落时他会默默的陪伴在我们左右,陪我们看戏,吃饭,买榴莲给我们吃。我俩还真像个大小孩儿?孤单无助时,只要一通电话,他即到并默默无语的陪伴,这已经是他可以给的最大鼓励及安慰了。谢谢“马克司”。:)

Here you go, Salem!

Here is the pic of the dinner, Salem :) enough of sharing? we had fun and the vegetarian food was great :) umm...did not manage to catch any movie that night :( but did spend a good night together :) they are the people that make my days brighter each day. Luv ya all, muaksss!

Hamstering Day!

Well well, a day at work "hamstering" on Saturday but i'm counting down to 7pm to get off to the AC Dinner!! Supposed it should be a normal dinner but don't know why i'm looking forward to it very much. Maybe it's the feeling of gathering with a group of good friends with similar directions and dreams in life. Guess what was i doing the whole morning? Conferencing with India and US solving server/network issue! Does that bring any meaningful value to me in my life or to people around me by doing that besides generating the month end income? I can't think of much but the fact is i'm still hamstering here. Despise me? arrgh... Dinner dinner dinner! it made my day by thinking bout it now although i'm still so full...not so much about the food but people attending...hehaehhea...and also what movie tonight? secret? ratatouille? disturbia? :) but the rat-a-too-ee is so full that don't think manage to catch up this round :( or maybe a relaxing night j...

