


Chiat Hau said…
生活...就象做在船上...飘浮... 如果,没有设定"目标"的话... 会很瓢泼...不知去向.
生活, 是短暂的... 如果, 不好好珍惜的话... 就会错失了好多在我们身边擦肩而过的一切...

UNAGI, 烦恼是我们自己想出来的...顺其自然... 生活就会过得写意一些...:)

Anonymous said…
Seem like u r getting really complicated nowadays! Take it easy, don't over think nor under think! Move a step each time! Choose to ignore is never a solution! Yes move towards your target BUT must appraise your own achievement regularly! Jusz my 2 sen! Salem
Unagi said…
Lee Botak & Salem,

haha, agree agree....thanks for the insight and sharing. I didn't know u all still keep reading my blog despite it's not being updated for agessss...sob sob...touching...
Anonymous said…
Well we only concern bout 'important' ppl, the rest is non of our biz!! hehehe... Salem
Unagi said…
well, i know i was "important" to you before...hahahhah... :P
Anonymous said…
once an 'important' person, always remains 'important'!! heheh Salem
Unagi said…
wah, true or not? any priviledge i have as an "important" person to you?
Anonymous said…
Of coz!! U name it! he he he Salem

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