
Showing posts from December, 2006

再会 2006!

倒数2天就是2007年了,是时候来个回顾与总结。在这一年里,我。。。 - 第一次乘坐JET SKI ,而且载了一个身形比我大3倍的鬼佬 - 第一次有个助养小孩 ,深深感受到一份小小的心意可以增添个笑脸给远在中国的她 - 第一次出席同学婚礼 ,婚礼出席得多了,但这是第一次收到同学的红炸弹,不知不觉已到适婚年龄? - 第一次参加拉丁舞会 ,与众多中美洲的哥斯达黎加同事们跳起舞来 - 第一次找到人生目标 ,找到方向且为开始迈向它感到兴奋。原来梦想并不只是小时候才有的,重新找回敢梦的心境,毕竟人因梦想而伟大! - 第一次找到人生导师 ,这应该是缘分吧,谢谢你在众多人当中选择了我,谢谢你成为我心中的MORRIE - 第一次接触成功人士 ,了解到这世界是那么的辽阔,只有天才是限制 - 第一次SNORKELLING ,发现海底世界竟然是那么的漂亮,有机会跟心爱的人一起在海底看世界是种幸福! - 第一次学习西班牙文 ,开始对这语言感兴趣,从中发现我还有小小语言天份 - 第一次写封信给妈妈 ,道尽心里话,从此更懂得珍惜家人,这是我历年来的一大突破 - 第一次环游香港澳门 ,见识了好多平时在港剧看到的情景,且幸运的遇上了万人迷吴彦祖,同时与梁荣忠同机回槟 - 第一次尝喝现挤羊奶 ,自己亲手挤,即现喝 - 第一次有人送我诗篇 ,是亲手为我特制而写的诗篇,令我深深感动,谢谢 - 第一次感受到强烈被爱的感觉 ,如此备受肯定,谢谢你 - 痛失一位敬爱的朋友 ,但没机会示敬意或说再见。要说要做,就别等了。。。 - 再次感受到爱的感觉 ,新恋情?还是个未知数,人生就是充满矛盾 - 再次收到人家打从心底亲笔写的信 ,好感动。试问你最后一次真正用心与人交流或真正卸下自尊诚心向人学习/道歉/道谢是什么时候? 在这一年里,我学习了,也成长了。2006年,24岁,值得回顾留念的一年,因为实在有太多不可思议的事情发生了,也许是我生命中的转捩点。待着瞧吧!2007 会更好!

Christmas Party 2006

It's another year...Christmas is over now and i had a special one this year, with me first time in my memory attending a christmas party in friend's house with Santa Clause and having gift exchange, with a surprise special guest in PG, with me first time organising a party in office and made it a success. :) This year we got more people in the pic taken in front of our every-year-the-same Christmas tree. see? so many new faces, making me no longer the youngest in the department :( see the little girl pic projected on the wall? hehehe...guess who? it's so much fun to look at each of our childhood pic and guess who they are, some even have the difficulty to differentiate if that's a boy or girl, lol~ Next, our word/phrase guessing by acting them out to group members one by one, and the last one says out the answer. I finally know how to upload a movie :) see my dear team lead's acting skills... Umm...the answer was a movie title "Meet the Parents", and that...

Focal writing, Christmas mood

Today is once-a-year focal submission day...whatever you've done for the past one year, sqeeze into one-two page, and that paper is gonna determine your next one year expenses and lifestyle, i.e. you get higher increment then can live a little bit better luxurious life, get extra few hundreds to spend on shopping or on your dog lo...right? Isn't it unreasonable to work so hard for that same amount of $ for the whole year?! and work harder for a few hundreds increment, and let it stagnant for another one year?! Think about it, it's totally unacceptable... :( but that's something most people are chasing after so hard year by year, in the rat race. It's 3.45pm in office, i'm blogging and not writing focal...hahaha, hopefully this page won't be read by my boss...oppss...please forgive me, i just don't have the mood to write...i have done so little in Q4 this year, and without realizing, it has come to the year end so soon. Guess everybody is in holiday mood ...

Happy Anniversary "New-born Unagi's Home"

Saw poipoi's anniversary reminds me to check mine's one day over now...nvm, in US it's still Thursday, 21 Dec 2006. Happy Anniversary ""!! Hurray! (Wednesday, December 21, 2005) The born of "New-born Unagi's Home" Thanks to you who keep me going with this write-ups, although not very interesting nor very fancy... But you spent your time here with me bearing with my mumbles, viewing the ugly/nice photos, listening to music i play...the checker on number of visitors does give me huge encouragement, and keep my momentum going. Well, it's another year. Let's see how am i going to spend my Christmas and New Year this time. Remember last year i spent my Christmas eve with Leong koko, odd, how did we both end up to be together on that day and only both us?! Yeah, i think we must thank to the free Haagen Dazs voucher that Intel gave us? I still have the nice pics in my Dec 2005 blog where we had the fondue :) I...

Mamula Moon (Hawaiian Song)

"Mamula Moon" by Felix Mendelssohn Title: Mamula Moon Artist: Felix Mendelssohn & His Hawaiian Serenaders Album: Paradise Isle Year: 1947 Track number: 14 Duration: 00:02:50 one day i walked along a moonlit island shore and soon i heard a song i've never heard before i said who can it be to sing so tenderly and saw a dust he made with lonely serenade mamula moon shine high above the southern sea and like my love say form again to me we said goodbye beside the blue lagoon alone am i with you mamula moon i waved my hand the grey ship sailed across the bay on golden sand that might i melt to pray that i might see my love returning soon still true to me and you mamula moon Since my mama asked me to search this song for her the other day after she heard it from somewhere, so i thought of posting it here to share out. Only Malaysian would be more familiar with the melody of this song i supposed? and of course, those who listen to oldies or Hawaiian songs :) I've been ...

'Mr. Easy Button'

28 Nov 2006 (Tue) - Our off day from work. Here we go...Thai Temple, Burmese Temple, Botanical Garden, beaches and Thai food. Mr. Easy Button tasted it and he took it well :) **A side track, pls stop spreading to ppl that i yelled at you over the car automatic lock/unlock. LOL 2 Dec 2006 (Sat) - He left for FM. It was so dramatic that we had to wave goodbye in cars right in front of Intel :) He in the cab rushing to the airport after "borrowing" 50 bucks from Jael on me; me in my car turning into Intel premises. Adios~ see ya LV! Yeah~! ;)